The 6 at 6 …featuring Leza Cantoral

Memoirs of a Midnight Masochist

Leza 1I’ve known Leza through Facebook for, what has it been, a decade now? Let’s just say a mighty long time by social media standards. She started off as this quirky oddball who jumped into a random post and proceeded to have the most bizarre and hilarious conversation with me, and my teenage daughter, who then came to my room after and asked, “Who was that?”

I ain’t gonna lie, it might just be one of my favorite Facebook memories.

I wanted my January interview to be with someone I knew was on the brink of a powerful year. Leza, fellow Capricorn (Cappies unite!) is a real powerhouse of intrigue and integrity. She is an author, a poet, a witch, a mystic, a dancer, an artist, and an incredibly motivated editor. A delightful amalgamation of charisma, intelligence, vision, and drive. A few years back she launched CLASH Media as Editor-in-chief…

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